viola mary wertz
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Aunt Simone Visits!
I'm super excited because my Aunt Simone came all the way from California to visit me. She has been sending me cool outfits, toys and letters since I was born, but until today I never actually met her. My mom picked her up from the airport late last night, and so this morning when I woke up, she was here! We are going to have lots of adventures together during her trip.

Saturday, January 12, 2008
My new easel!
My absolute favorite Christmas present was made for me by my Uncle Jon. He is a carpenter and he made me a beautiful easel that I can use for chalk, markers, drawing, and painting. So far, I have only used the chalk board side (my mom says it's the least messy), but I just can't stay away from it. I can focus on drawing for a full half-hour--longer than most activities I do. It is so special because my uncle made it all by himself--and he made it just for me!

Get-away with Brooke and Chris
My Aunt Brooke is a doctor, and she has to work almost all the time. But she had some time off the week after New Years, so she and Uncle Chris came to visit and we decided to take a trip to New Hampshire for a few days. We had so much fun! I was the only little kid around and I got so spoiled (my Aunt Brooke and Uncle Chris love me so much and play with me all the time). We built a fire and went out to dinner and went to the library and played in the snow (there was so much snow--almost as tall as me!) and just had so many adventures!

Aunt Brooke slept a lot because she never gets to sleep much when she's working. Isn't my aunt so pretty?

My mom brought my snowsuit, but forgot gloves so I had to wear adult-sized socks on my hands--they covered my whole arms!

I loved playing in the snow, but my snowsuit was so puffy that once I fell down, I was stuck there until Daddy saved me!

Aunt Brooke slept a lot because she never gets to sleep much when she's working. Isn't my aunt so pretty?
My mom brought my snowsuit, but forgot gloves so I had to wear adult-sized socks on my hands--they covered my whole arms!
I loved playing in the snow, but my snowsuit was so puffy that once I fell down, I was stuck there until Daddy saved me!
New Baby Arianna
My cousin Kim had a tiny new baby. She was born one week before Christmas, and was the best Christmas present we could have asked for. We went to meet her in the hospital when she was only two days old, and then saw her again on Christmas, and my mom took some photos of her and her parents (though the light was really low, so the photos are a little dark). Arianna is actually my second cousin because her mom is my Dad's neice (even though she is a few months older than him--pretty funny!). I can't wait to play with her when she gets a little bigger!

My Second Christmas
I was too little to remember my first Christmas, so I couldn't believe it when I woke up at Bubble and Beepie's and had all those presents to open! In fact, I was a little overwhelmed, and had to stay in Daddy's lap the whole time. We had such a fun couple days visiting with all of our many family units. We had Christmas Eve dinner with the extended Todzia family, Christmas morning with Samuel and Caleb, Christmas lunch at Aunt Kathy's with the extended Barrett Clan. We then drove to Woburn to do Christmas night with all my cousins at Papa and Grammie's, and even after that, we went to Uncle Butch's house to celebrate with him, Aunt Linda, Billy, Kim, Armani, and Baby Adrianna. We saw all our family members (and there are SO MANY) in a matter of twenty-four hours (you can't imagine the number of presents I had to open!).

This is a picture of us in our Christmas eve pajamas--we were SO full of energy and were running wild!

My mom gave me and Samuel little toy cameras. Here you can see Samuel making his Aunt Liz proud by trying his out on little Bubby.

This is a picture of us in our Christmas eve pajamas--we were SO full of energy and were running wild!
My mom gave me and Samuel little toy cameras. Here you can see Samuel making his Aunt Liz proud by trying his out on little Bubby.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Getting our tree!
My mom and dad brought me to this really fun farm so we could pick out our Christmas tree. The best thing about the farm was that we got to visit the animals! There were pigs, goats, chickens, and even a peacock! We found the perfect Christmas tree--it's so big, it almost touches the ceiling--I love it so much, and I wish we could have it in our living room always...

Last year my mom suited me up and brought me out in the snow, but I was just a little baby and I don't remember. So this year was my first time running and playing in the snow as a big girl. Though I have to admit, I really couldn't run--I couldn't really even move much because the snow was up to my waist! But my Dad cleared a path for me, and Ivy and I had such a good time playing while the snow piled up around us!
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